Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Life and Times of Bear Rhode

Cassy and I took Bear to Kaena Point (North Shore side) for some exercise and fun in the sun. This is the best place, in my opinion, to take a dog and let them run around as they please. My advice is to bring the following items: Bikes, surf shorts, towels, a light lunch, backpack, camera and food/water for the dogs. Also, don't forget a bowl of some sort for the dog's water....like we did. Here, Bear eyeing out some guys in Wahiawa. Finally, we made it to our destination. A gorgeous day with blue skies and an empty parking lot. An empty parking lot could spell either one of two things: 1) Nobody on the path and you can skinny dip with your wife or 2) Your car is going to get broken into by the Freedom Fighters that live one beach over. Neither 1 or 2 happened today......thanks to Cassy!

Cassy took the lead as Bear followed close behind. Mountain view on one side of the trail and ocean view on the other. So lucky we live in Hawaii.

About 20 minutes of this guy huffing and puffing down the trail, we made it to our final destination. He is exhausted and ready for some aqua.

Right before this picture was taken, Bear did a dive off the top of a ledge. I swear it looked just like Rodney Dangerfield's dive off the diving boards in "Back To School". Cassy wasn't too impressed with the dive and Bear replied, "No respect!".

Your dog(s) need to be here. Completely secluded so Bear ditched his leash and I ditched my clothes.

Bear with the "Cheehoooo" Hawaiian-Style suicide.

Can't wait until I get this cast off of my leg so I can get back to Kaena Point. Look at the mountains, sky, and ocean.....life is good.

Kaena Point is like Chuck E. Cheeses for dogs. Bear doing his best Shawshank Redemption impersonation (sanz the human waste).

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Tank Adventures

Tank is a radical cat. Over the last 31 days I have spent a lot of time with him due to my broken fibula I got surfing 10 foot Pipe (playing volleyball). He does some interesting things throughout the day. First, he sits at the top of the stairs and decides if he is either (A) Going to go to the couch and take a cat nap or (B) Go to the middle of the stairwell and piss off the dogs. Today, Tank chooses option "B". At this point, Tank is halfway to the promise land. He still has time to turn around and go upstairs, no dogs barking at him, threatening to rip his head off
Instead Tank chooses to proceed to the middle of the stairwell where Phoebe is waiting for him. They stare at each other for about a minute......

Until Charlie, the muscle of the operation, comes to see what the big commotion is. Tank sees both dogs staring with teeth gritting, yet he stands his ground and teases the two like showing a steak to a group of Ethiopians.

Once the dogs go wild, Tank finds that he is bored with the dogs and heads upstairs to the Chicago Bears room. Here, Tank chooses three of his favorite records(yes kids, actual VINYL records) to listen to. Today, Tank chooses The Queers "Love Song For the Retarded", The Ramones, and Screeching Weasel "Anthem For A New Tomorrow". Tank always had great taste in pop-punk.

Tank usually ends up picking up a gweeter to play along to the albums. Today, he wasn't in the playing mood.

Tank, being the huge Chicago Bear fanatic he is, decided to hang out with his buddy Walter "Sweetness" Payton. They discussed current events and the latest episode of Survivor. Tank thinks Russell is going to win but Sweetness thinks it's going to be Jaison. The struggle continues!

Finally, Tank discovered me taking pictures of him. He has been really sensitive when it comes to Paparazzi lately, ever since some incriminating pictures of him and Lady Gaga made headlines. He made me burn most of the photos but I kept these!